No 29.

Tithe Map Plot No 279

The Tithe map tells us that this was the Southend Charity School, (See No 13 for more on this).
This charity was founded in 1708 and the first entry in the School Accounts, dated 1708, reads: ‘Anthony Biddulph creditor by monies laid out upon work and materials for the finishing of the said schools since the death of the said Mrs Elizabeth Hall and paid for teaching children till (sic) such time as the school was fit for habitation. For this book 3s’
On Dec 9th 1708 3s was paid for a lock to the school's door, on Jan 8th 1709 M Smith was paid £ 5 13s for wainscotting the school and putting up the benches and that Ann Gatby (or Galby) was paid 9s 6d at several times for teaching schools or by my books (sic). She later receives 1s 6d for a weeks teaching.
The next set of accounts, dated 1831 show a Mrs Evans being paid 15s for three weeks teaching.
When the new school was built, in about 1839, this became the boy's school and in 1839 it was reported that about £ 150 was spent ‘newly fronting and otherwise repairing this and the Girls' School House. This (The Boys' School House) was let to Mr William Loade’.

These teaching ladies were presumably non resident as the Tithe map tells us that Elizabeth Maddox is in occupation, as a caretaker perhaps, as according to the Hereford Times, she died on Dec 17th 1840 at the Southend ‘at an advanced age’.
The school in the early C18 was probably just a humble schoolroom. With the Southend improving and becoming a more desirable place to live,1839 sees a makeover (from the notes above) giving the building seen today.

From Tithe Map Owned by Southend Charity School John Biddulph Trustee. Occupied by Elizabeth Maddox.

1841     William Hatton 27 Mason.

1851     William Hatton 37 Mason.

1861     Unoccupied.

1871     Louisa May Norderling 57 Officer's Widow: Income derived from.

1881     John W Buckell 34 Physician and Surgeon

1891     William Manton 43 Auctioneer.

1901     Fanny Maddison 52 Living on own means.

From 1910 survey   Occupier Maddison Mrs. F. Owner Lord Biddulph.

1911     Fanny Maddison 64 Private Means.

Ex Tilleys: Monument House.

1903     Maddison Mrs.

1921     Fowler E.

1934     Lewis F.

1938     Ledbury Urban and RDC Accountants Office. RDC Sanitary Inspector's Office.

1967     Little & Co Accountants.

1969     Mears C.

1999     Jones G.

More Info

1841 and 1851

William Hatton, a mason, (1811-1884) is in residence from 1839 until after 1851. He married Helen Juckes in Sep 1838, his address given as Southend. More than just a mason, he owned some cottages in Smoke Alley
The Juckes family were builders and built much of the Southend probably including the alterations to this house, see Potted Biographies.
William and Helen had four children, all born in the Southend the last in 1846. In New Street in 1861 and 1871 he died in 1884.


Louisa Hay Norderling.
Louisa Hay Drummond, born on 5th September 1813, married Charles Gerard Antoine Norderling, an officer in the Swedish Life Guards, in Tangier on Nov 26th 1838.
A son Roland was born in 1844 and a daughter Louisa Madeline in 1846 both in Stockholm. Widowed by 1851 when the family are in Winchester, they were all in Bank House by 1867 as a report in the Hereford Times includes them in its report on the Ledbury Flower Show.
By 1871 only mother and daughter are in Bank House with Francis Hay Chapman 26 a Navy Lieutenant and one servant Emma Pardoe 20 from London.
Mixing with high Ledbury Society Miss Norderling attended the County Ball in January 1872. If she was hoping to find a suitor she was unlucky as she died under her maiden name in 1932 in Kensington. Her mother died in Elham Kent in 1892.


John William Buckell, Physician and Surgeon was born in 1847 in Salisbury.
A Directory of 1879 records he is Surgeon and Hon Surgeon to the Ledbury Cottage Hospital, Southend Street.
From Worcester Journal May 18 1878

Already in Ledbury in August 1877, according to a newspaper report, he married Dora Sophia Griffin b 1856 from Ledbury on May 15th 1878.
They had Reginald William Westmore in May 1879, John Pinhorn in 1880 all born in the Southend Ledbury.They are here with Matilda Treherne 21 a servant from Redmarley. A further son, Francis Charles was born in Ledbury in 1882.
Harold Claude was born in 1885 in Tolleshunt Knights Essex and the family, less John, are in Bedford in 1891. John died in Hereford September quarter 1893, Dora is a widow with two of her children in 1901 in Wandsworth on her own in 1911 and is in America in 1930 at the age of 75. I cannot find her death in the UK, she probably died there.


William Manton b 1848 in Kenilworth married Emily Hughes in Coventry in 1877. She was born in 1855.
They had, Hinton Porter in 1879, Kevitt William in 1880, Walter Griffith in 1882 and Dorothy in 1883 all in Warwickshire.
Living with them in 1881 and 1891 is Annie Eliza Manton, daughter, born in Warwick 1872. She may be his daughter but I don't believe she is Emily's as they didn't get married until 1877 after which they had several children as above.
William died in Beulah Villas, the Homend, in November 1902 at the comparatively young age of 55.


Fanny Maddison was the widow of Edward Maddison, Manager of the National Provincial Bank in the Homend where the family is in 1881 and 1891.
Born in 1841 in Lowestoft he was a Banker in Whitecross Road, Hereford, in 1871.
He married Fanny Hatton (b 1851) of Hereford on October 25th 1870 and they had William Hatton in 1871, Fanny Maud in 1873 and Annie Eleanor in 1875 all in Holmer, and then, in Ledbury, Kathleen Mabel in 1880, Nora Beatrice in 1882 and Edith Anna in 1884.
A corner of the large window
in the South Aisle of the parish church.

During his twenty odd years in Ledbury he took an active part in parochial affairs, was a churchwarden and one of the promoters of the restoration of the church. He died at the relatively early age of 57, a stained glass window was erected in the south aisle of the church in his memory.

Living above the bank meant that on his death the family had to move out and they settled in No 29, Monument House, ironically next door to the bank's location earlier in the century. I can find no earlier reference to the name Monument House but all records of their time here use that name.
Fanny died Aug 16th 1917, they are buried together in the cemetery.